WISQARS Fatal and Nonfatal Injury Reports
Injury Counts and Rates
Fatal/NonFatal Injury Reports - Data Filters
Injury Outcome:FatalInjury Type:All InjuryData Years:2023Geography:United StatesIntent:All IntentsMechanism:All InjuryAge:All AgesSex:All SexesRace:All RacesEthnicity:All EthnicitiesMetro / Non-Metro Indicator:None SelectedYPLL Age:65Year and Race Options:2018 - 2023 by Single RaceAll Intents All Injury Deaths and Rates per 100,000
Data Years: 2023, United States, All Ages, All Sexes, All Races, All Ethnicities
ICD-10 Codes:
** indicates unstable value (<20 deaths)
-- indicates suppressed value (between one to nine deaths)
--* indicates secondary suppression
Rows showing totals and sub-totals will not be available when only one row in the results table is suppressed.
Reports for All Ages include those of unknown age.
Data sources:
- National Center for Health Statistics-CDC annual mortality data files for WISQARS Fatal data.
- National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program for WISQARS Nonfatal data, an estimated number of hospital visits for injury care that start in an emergency department based on a U.S. nationally representative probability sample of hospitals.