WISQARS Cost Of Injury
Number of Injuries and Associated Costs
Cost of Injury - Data Filters
Data Year:2023Injury Outcome:FatalIntent:All IntentsMechanism:All InjuryGeography:United StatesSex:All SexesAge:All AgesNotation: ** indicates unstable value (<20 deaths); -- indicates suppressed value (between one and nine deaths or nonfatal injury counts based on <20 unweighted count, <1,200 weighted count, or coefficient of variation of the estimate >30%);
Abbreviations: $B = Billions; $M = Millions; ED = Emergency department; NEC = Not elsewhere classified; MV = Motor vehicle
Currency year and time horizon: Costs are 2021 USD. Medical costs for injury deaths refer to medical care associated with the fatal event. Medical, work loss, and quality of life loss costs for nonfatal injuries refer to the 1 year following the ED injury visit.
Data sources:
- National Center for Health Statistics-CDC annual mortality data files for WISQARS Fatal data.
- National Electronic Injury Surveillance System-All Injury Program for WISQARS Nonfatal data, an estimated number of hospital visits for injury care that start in an emergency department based on a U.S. nationally representative probability sample of hospitals.
- Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (2020) for nonfatal injury quality of life loss.
- U.S. HHS Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (2016) for value of statistical life and monetized quality of life loss.
- Journal articles for fatal and nonfatal medical costs and nonfatal injury work loss costs by injury type, description of how costs were assigned to WISQARS injury records, and the history of WISQARS Cost of Injury data and methods.